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Pitching at Food Brycke Stuttgart!

We are very thrilled to be one of the selectedstartups to pitch at the foodbrycke!

Together with other great startups in the food industry we have the chance to hashtagpitch to a top-notch jury! Michael Roth from REWE, Olaf KochZINTINUS , Mark Leinemanncrowdfoods – Food Entrepreneur & Startup Association (FESA) , Andreas KuckertzUniversity of HohenheimInnoGreenhouse Hohenheim and Sabine WeickLandeshauptstadt Stuttgart ! Big thanks to @crowdfoodsfesa and @bryckestuttgart for organizing such a valuable gathering. These opportunities to showcase our startup, product, and build our network are incredibly valuable for all #youngentrepreneur !

Check out the nice insights of the night in the following link!:  Linkedin & IG

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